Ice Cube Splash and Play

Plastic sheet (a Dollar Store picnic tablecloth works great!)
Bath towel for your baby to lay on
Shallow 9” x 13” baking dish or similar-size plastic tub
3–4 different colored frozen ice cubes
Food coloring

Spread the plastic sheet out on the kitchen floor. Lay the bath towel on top. The night before, fill a few very small plastic containers with water, add a few drops of food coloring (a different color in each container), and freeze. 

To do the activity, fill the shallow baking dish with an inch of water and set it in front of your baby.  Add the colored ice cubes, and watch as your baby tries to catch them. He or she will get wet, so have a dry shirt ready! Your baby will be delighted by trying to grab the ice cubes and splashing in the water!

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