Yarn Play

3 skeins of inexpensive yellow yarn (I used two skeins of bright yellow and one of pale yellow. It’s not necessary to use quite so much!)
Scissors to cut the yarn to various lengths
A large plastic tub

To cut the yarn, insert the scissors into the center of the skein and cut it into chunks. Fluff the cut yarn with your fingers and put it into the tub.

Invite your toddler to touch the yarn—How does it feel?  Let them explore the softness. Can they hold all the yarn at once? How does it feel on their face?  Can you show me a long piece of yarn? A short piece?  Can they wear it on their head like hair? 

Don’t be surprised if your child wants to lay on the yarn or jump on it! Be prepared for yarn to end up on the floor. A child-size rake will clean it up quickly. After exploring the yarn, try hiding some small toys in the yarn for your child to find!

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