Constellation Sensory Bag

Gallon Ziploc bag
Clear hair gel (16 oz) – from the Dollar Store
Star-shaped confetti
Black poster board

To make your bag, empty the contents of the clear hair gel into the gallon storage bag.  Shake in the star confetti (about 1/3 of the bag). Before sealing your bag, lay it flat and squeeze out as much air as possible. To make the stars really shine, tape the Ziploc bag down to a piece of black poster board.

Invite your child to explore, move the stars around to make their own constellations. For younger children, reinforce the edges of the bag with packing tape or clear duct tape.  Older children may enjoy researching different constellations, drawing constellations on cards, and then trying to make the constellations by placing the cards placed under the bag.




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