How to Catch a Star

Star shapes (plastic glow-in-the-dark stars or stars cut from cards stock or paper)
Flashlight (optional)
Book:  How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers (optional)

Hide stars around the house or out in the yard. If you have the book, How to Catch a Star, read it to you child.  After reading the book, tell your child there are stars hidden all over the house or in the yard and she needs to go catch her  own stars. Provide a flashlight for additional fun! Your child will enjoy playing the game over and over and even hiding the stars for you to find.

Lesson Extensions

  • Count the stars
  • Use different colors and sizes of stars. Sort the stars.
  • Write letters on the stars and encourage your child to find and keep only the stars that start her name
  • Write uppercase and lowercase letters on the stars and have your child match the letters

This is a great game that can be played with several children and with a variety of ages.

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