Bubble Chemistry

Liquid dish soap
Plastic spoons
Disposable cups
Measuring cups
Small pitcher of water
Pipe cleaners

Invite your child to pour liquid dish soap into a spoon, and then pour it into a disposable cup.  Then measure out 1/4 cup of water and invite your child to pour it into the cup. Stir the mixture together.  Help your child form a wand by making a shape a the end of a pipe cleaner and giving it a few twists. Take the bubble solution  and pipe cleaner wands outside to test our bubble solution. You may also try blowing through dry rigatoni, just to experiment. Which one works better?  

Here’s a wonderful article written by Blakely Bundy and Diane E. Levin, published in NAEYC/Teaching Young Children:

Preschool Play Plans:  Bubbling Over with Fun!


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