Giant Lego Ice

Lego or Duplo bricks and figures
Plastic containers that can fit in your freezer
Water squirters, toy hammers, golf tees, brushes, etc.

Fill a plastic container ΒΌ-full with water. Add in a selection of Legos and Duplos figures and bricks. Place this into the freezer overnight.  Remove from the freezer and add in some more Legos and Duplos. Fill almost to the top with water. Carefully transfer the container back into the freezer and let it freeze overnight.

When ready to play, remove the container from the freezer and place the container into a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. This will help to loosen the cube just enough to get it out of the container in one piece.  Place the cube onto a tray or into a larger plastic container and give your child water squirters, mini tools like small play hammers and golf tees, glue scrapers, brushes, spoons, and anything else you can think of to help them excavate the ice!

Then let your little one get busy! 

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