Tummy-Time Activities

From day one, tummy time should be a regular part of your baby’s routine. This important time helps strengthen the baby’s neck, back, and core, which is essential for learning to roll over, crawl, and walk. Tummy time provides your baby with a different perspective, and encourages your baby to reach for and focus on objects.

It is recommended that babies have 15–30 minutes of tummy time each day.  Start with 5 minutes, three times per day and gradually work up to 10 minutes each time. 

To help keep tummy time interesting for your little one, try propping your baby up by using a Boppy pillow, rolled up beach towel, or tummy-time activity pillow. Get down on the floor with your little one or lie them on your chest or over your leg.  Make faces, sing, and talk to her.  Place colorful, interesting objects within reach. Provide toys that have various textures or make different sounds, like a crinkly book or squeak toys.

Try placing lightweight objects that are easy to grab in shallow baskets (e.g. bath scrubbies, plastic rings, teethers). 

Fingerpainting is another fun tummy time activity. 

Crayola Washable Fingerpaint
Gallon Ziploc baggie
White construction paper or card stock
Clear duct tape

Place a few drops of fingerpaint onto white construction paper or card stock. Carefully slide it into the Ziploc bag and seal it. Tape all edges of the bag to the floor. Place your baby on a Boppy and invite him to mix the colors with his fingers and hands. Remove from the baggie and allow it to dry before displaying.

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