Dirt and Worms Sensory Tub

Large plastic tub
Sand toys such as trowels, small rakes, and buckets
Child’s magnifying glass
Small watering can
Apple core or banana peel

Fill the tub with a bag of dirt. After a spring rain, go on a worm hunt with your preschooler. Collect the worms in a small container and then add them to the dirt. You can also purchase earthworms from a bait store. Provide sand toys such as a trowel, rake, small bucket, watering can, and a child’s magnifying glass. Invite your child to explore, examine, and observe the worms in the dirt.  What happens when a small amount of water is added to the dirt? Add the apple core or banana peel to the dirt.  Cover when not exploring.

Research with your preschooler what worms need to survive.  Here’s a child friendly video to help your child learn a little more about earthworms.

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