Dissolving Gingerbread Man


Gingerbread Man cookies
Small bowl

Invite your child to place a gingerbread cookie in a bowl of milk to see how long it takes for the gingerbread cookie to dissolve (melt) in the milk. Start a timer. Ask your child to predict how long he thinks it will take for the gingerbread man to melt (dissolve). Observe what happens. How long does it take for the cookie to dissolve?  Relate it back to the story about the gingerbread man.  He didn’t want to fall into the water because he thought he would melt. How long did it take to dissolve? What your child’s estimate too long or too short? What happens if you try a different liquid? 

If more than one child is providing pedictions, ask the children to place the predictions in numerical order. This lesson has lots of good opportuntieis for math and science!

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