Purple Purse

Inspired by the book, Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes

Long piece of purple construction paper (approximately 6×15)
Pipe cleaner or ribbon to make the handle
Stickers, pictures cut out of a magazine, or clip art
Small piece of velcro (optional)

Another purple purseFold the bottom of the construction paper so it reaches about 3 inches from the top.  Fold the top down to look like a purse.  Use a pipe cleaner or ribbon and attach each end underneath the fold to make a handle for the purse.  Secure with tape.   (Optional) Stick a small piece of velcro underneath the flap and on the purse to act like a latch for holding the purse closed. Open and unfold the purse and invite your child to glue various pictures and stickers inside. Ask your child to tell you what he has in his purse.

Preschool age children may want to draw their own pictures or label the pictures in the purse.

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