Letter Work with Dot Stickers


1 piece of card stock with the first letter of your child’s name written on it
Blue dots stickers


Use the marker to draw the first letter in your child’s name.  Be sure to make it nice and big and write the upper case symbol.  Say the name of the letter as you draw it and your child’s name – “B for Brian”.  Give your child a sheet of removable blue sticker dots and encourage him to carefully place dots closely together on the linees of the letter. Cover all the lines.  Continue to review the letter name and who it represents. Encourage your child to say the name of the letter.

Extension Activities

  • Look for the same letter around the room (books, magazines, toys, clothing)
  • Trace the letter using an index finger
  • Listen for the sound that the letter makes; come up with other words that start with the same sound
  • Write the letter in sand, salt, or shaving cream

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