Light Table Color Match

Flat glass stones (clear as well as translucent) in a small bowl
Black Sharpie
Markers to match the colors of your stones
Clear cellophane to cover the light table

Directions:  Cut the clear cellophane to fit the surface of your light table.  Scatter several glass stones over the surface. Use the black Sharpie to trace the glass stones. Use the colored markers to color in some of the circles to match your stones. Invite your child to place a stone on a circle. If the circle is uncolored, a clear stone would be placed there. If the circle is colored red, a red stone would be placed on it. Continue placing stones on the matching circles.  If your child doesn’t yet know the colors, point to one of the colored stones saying, “This one is red. Can you find another red stone?” Help your child if necessary.  When play is finished, invite your child to collect all the stones by color, i.e., “Find all the red stones and put them in the dish. Now find all the stones that are blue,” etc.

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