Rolling-Pin Rainbows

Rolling pin
Plastic wrap
Long sheet of butcher paper
Tempera paint in the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple

Directions: Cut the butcher paper to a length just a bit shorter than your table. Use the tape to secure the paper on both ends. Wrap the roller part of the rolling pin tightly with plastic wrap and tape it in place. This helps with cleanup, and it helps the roller spread the paint more evenly. Keeping the length of your roller in mind, apply a small amount (about the size of a quarter) of red paint and then orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It’s fine, even preferable, if the paint colors touch a little bit. Then invite your child to stand on one side of the table holding the handle of the rolling pin. You are on the other side of the table. Together, walk the roller to the end of the paper. This takes teamwork! You can walk and roll the roller back to the beginning and roll it again if you can keep the roller on track. The result is a stunning rainbow. Let it dry, and hang it up in your child’s room. This is the Acorn children’s favorite rainbow art activity!

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