Q-tip Fine-Motor Play

A plastic jar with an insert with holes in it

Directions: Present the jar you’ve chosen to your little one. Show him the holes in the insert. (I used a jar that originally had sprinkles in it. Just make sure the holes in the top are big enough to accommodate the Q-tips.)

Demonstrate how to insert a Q-tip into the jar. Give your child a Q-tip and invite him to try. Encourage him as he focuses on inserting the Q-tip. Give him the time to put all the Q-tips in the jar, but watch for signs that indicate it’s too difficult a task. I offered this activity to a 12-month-old child who loved putting the Q-tips in the jar. Another child, who was 15 months old, found it too complex a task and wanted to mouth the Q-tips. If your child is not interested, wait a few weeks and try again!

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