Roll It Down the Ramp



Basket of items to roll down the ramp: balls, blocks, small cars, plastic jars, paper tubes (i.e., toilet paper) large beads, plastic rings, etc.

Instructions: Set up a ramp for your little one.  It can be a board resting on a stool, or even a piece of cardboard elevated on another box. Place the basket of items by the top of the ramp. Choose something from the basket and roll it down the ramp. Invite your child to do the same. He might need some guidance with some of the items, for example, the plastic rings. When we tried this activity at school, one of the boys took a ring and tried to skim it down the ramp. It didn’t go very far. He tried it again with the same result.  He went for something else in the basket to try. I took the ring and rolled it on its edge down the middle of the ramp. It actually went pretty far!  My friend wanted to try rolling it, too. He was a bit wobbly in his efforts, but eventually succeeded. Any items that are round, have wheels or are cylindrical will go pretty far! When he’s emptied the basket, invite him to help pick everything up so he can do it again!

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