Black Fluffy Slime

There are lots of great slime recipes out there, but this is one we tried recently and the kids really liked it. It was stretchy, and not sticky!


1 cup white glue 

¼ cup hot water

Food coloring

1 tsp. baking soda

 Shaving cream (about 1 ½ cups)

 Saline solution for contact lenses (must contain sodium borate)

Mix the glue and water together in a medium bowl, then add the food coloring. Mix in enough to create a shade a little darker than you’d like, because the shaving cream will lighten the final color a bit. Mix in the baking soda thoroughly. Squirt in about 1 ½ cups shaving cream straight from the can (shake it well, first!) I don’t measure the shaving cream—I just have an idea of how much 1 ½ cups is and squirt it in. Mix well!  If you add too much your slime will be extra fluffy—not a bad thing! Finally, mix in the contact solution. Add about 1 tablespoon at a time. The glue mixture will start to congeal as the contact solution does its thing! I end up adding about 1/8 cup, total. Keep mixing  with a spoon until the slime starts to separate from the sides of the bowl; then use your hands to mix some more. If it’s still sticky, pour a little contact solution on your hands, rub them together and continue mixing. 

A couple of tips:

  • Be sure your child washes his hands after playing with the slime.
  • Beware of adding too much contact solution. You’ll know you’ve used too much if the slime suddenly breaks when it’s being stretched!
  • The slime will lose some of its “fluffiness” after a day or two as the air escapes from the shaving cream, but it will still be stretchy and fun to play with.
  • Your slime will keep for over a month in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.

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