Black or White Sorting Game


Lunch tray
White sheet of paper
Black sheet of paper
Various items to be sorted that are either black or white, such as a large black button, a white plastic bunny, a white cup, a black plastic spoon, white beans, necklace, a black jar lid, a white child’s sock, a black toy car, etc.

Directions: Lay the black paper and white paper on the tray, side by side. Take one of the sorting items and let your child identify it. What color is it? If it’s white, have the child place it on the white paper on the tray. If it’s black, place it on the black paper. Continue letting your child identify the items and sort them until he’s finished.

Another way to extend the game: lay either the black paper or the white paper on the tray by itself. If it’s the white paper, set all the white items on the sheet. Add two or three black items as well. Ask your child which items don’t belong. Let your child remove them. Do it again, using just the black paper, the black items, and a couple of the white ones.

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