
A white sheet of construction paper
Masking tape
Black tempera paint in a cup
Child’s paintbrush
Cut-outs of white circles and other shapes
Glue stick
Tape the construction paper securely to the work surface to keep it from moving during the painting process. Invite your child to dip the paintbrush into the cup of paint and “sweep” it across the paper. Encourage him to paint all over the paper. After your child is finished painting, set the paper aside to dry.
Once dry, give your child some of the white circles. Using the glue stick, encourage him to glue the circles wherever he would like to put them. Press firmly, so they stick. When we did this activity in our class, we came across some black and white cocktail napkins, which we cut into strips. Some of the children enjoyed gluing the strips on their painting as well. The end result is quite unique!