Mess-Free Jingle Bell Painting

Shallow plastic container with lid
Sheet of paper
2 or 3 colors of tempera paint
Plastic spoon
4 or 5 jingle bells

Trim your piece of paper to fit inside the box.  Using a spoon, drizzle the paint on the paper, being careful not to make big globs.  Before dropping the jingle bells into the box, we shook them, rolled them on the floor, and played with them a little bit.  Then I took one and dropped it in the box, asking Baby H. if she could drop one in, too.  She did, so I handed her the other bells and she dropped them in as well.  We securely closed the box, and I showed H. how to shake it.  This was the fun part for her!  If you have a box with a transparent lid, it allows your child to see the bells rolling around.  But if you don’t, your little one can still hear the bells jingle as they roll around, which is another experience!

When the rolling and shaking is no longer appealing,  open the box and remove the bells.  What remains is a lovely piece of art created using jingle bells!

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