Sponge-Painted Christmas Wreath

Large sheet of white butcher paper
Large mixing bowl
Small bowl
Paper plate
Green tempera paint
Red tempera paint

Lay the large bowl, upside-down, in the center of the paper and trace around it with a pencil. Lay the small bowl upside down in the middle of the circle you just traced with the larger bowl, and trace it with your pencil. 

Pour some green paint on the paper plate and have your child dip the sponge into the paint. Encourage her to “bounce” the paint covered sponge between the two circles, all the way around.  (We invited the children to try to keep the paint on the “road.”)  It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t—you’re going to cut out the wreath when it dries anyway. 

Before you cut it out, but after the green paint dries, pour a little red paint on a paper plate and show your child how to print berries on her wreath, using her fingertip to print them.  After the berries are dry, it’s ready to cut out!


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