Hunting for Green

Large plastic tub
Green Mylar shredded strips, found at any dollar-type store (often used in gift bags as a filler)
Lots of little green items to search for under the Mylar

Empty a bag of shredded Mylar strips into your plastic tub. Collect a variety of green items from among your child’s toys. Green blocks, beads, pegs, little green dinosaurs, green cars, green crayons, etc., are all fun things to search for. Once you’ve collected your items, cover them with the mylar. Mylar is fun to handle and pick up and play with, and it can easily end up on the floor.  Encourage your child to keep the mylar in the tub while he’s searching!  Ask him if he can find three things that are green and name them. Put those things aside in a bowl.  Ask him to find three more items. Put those with the first group of items. When he’s finished, try counting how many items he’s found all together. Can he name them all?

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