Spider Web

White paper
Pizza box
Black tempera paint
2-3 marbles
Plastic spiders from a dollar-type store
Sticky dots, double-sided tape or a drop of Elmer’s glue

Cut your paper to fit inside the pizza box.  Squirt (or spoon) a small amount of black tempera across the paper.  Let your toddler drop 2–3 marbles into the box and close the lid securely.  Show your child how to shake the box from side to side, or in a circular direction.  Listen for the marbles rolling around inside.  When your child is done shaking the box, open it carefully and remove the marbles with your fingers or use a spoon. Determine where your child wants to stick the spider, and put your adhesive of choice there.  Let your child place the spider on the spot.  You’ve got a spider on his web!

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