Ball Balance

5 toilet paper tubes
5 plastic ball-pit balls or similar sized, light-weight balls

Set  the toilet paper tubes standing up on the floor in front of your baby. Take one of the balls and set it on top of one of the tubes.  Hand another ball to your little one and let him/her set it on top of another tube.  You can help them if necessary.  When doing this with Baby H., 13 months, she took each ball from me and placed it on a tube, although she knocked over some of the tubes more than once as she worked.  When a tube fell over, she handed it to me to set up.  Then she handed the ball to me.  I handed the ball back to her, and she set it on top of the tube. When she was done, she knocked over all the tubes and balls, but helped me pick them up when I asked her to.  Baby H. demonstrated persistence and focus as she placed the balls on the tubes; in addition she was able to understand my directions and she exhibited good fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in completing the task

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