Spray-Bottle Painting

Large sheet of white paper
1 spray bottle for each color you’d like to use
Liquid watercolors for each spray bottle
Packing tape
White crayon

We laid out the sheet of paper on a table first, and used the white crayon to draw lines, circles, and squiggles. Press down hard with the crayon!  We talked about making “invisible” drawings, meaning that the crayon markings were very hard to see! When finished, hang the paper up, preferably outside, using the packing tape. 

Pour some liquid watercolor into a spray bottle. A little liquid watercolor goes a long way, so fill the spray bottle with about a tablespoon of color, and add a little water. Put a second color in another spray bottle with a little water. (We used blue and turquoise.) Demonstrate how to squeeze the trigger on the squirt bottle, and let your toddler try it. Be sure the squirt nozzle is directed towards the paper!

As your child squirts the paper, the crayon lines should resist the watercolor, and the squiggles will appear, as if by magic! When finished, leave the paper hanging until dry. Clean up watercolor splatter with a hose!

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