12 cups warm water
1 cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 cup Dawn dish detergent
1 tablespoon glycerin (can be purchased at Michael’s in the cake decorating aisle)
Put half the water in a bucket and vigorously stir in the cornstarch until it’s dissolved. Mix in the rest of the water and baking powder until it’s all combined. Add the soap and glycerin to the water mixture. Stir slowly with a big spoon so that you don’t make suds or foam in the bucket.
Let the bubble solution sit for an hour or more before using. Stir it gently for at least two minutes before making bubbles. Stir the bubble solution every 10 or 15 minutes while you’re using it since the cornstarch and baking powder tend to settle at the bottom.
Use giant bubble wands to make giant bubbles.