Bubble Painting

Small plastic cups to hold the paint mixture
Tempera paint in a variety of colors
Liquid dish soap
Push pin
Small pieces of card stock

Using the push pin, poke a hole into the straws so your child can’t drink the paint/bubble solution. The hole will still allow him to blow bubbles, but it will be much more difficult to suck up the solution. You can also do the activity with food coloring instead, if you’re uncomfortable using paint.

Pour a small amount of paint to the bottom of a plastic cup. Then add a squirt of dish soap and fill the cup with a couple inches of water.  The solution should be thin enough so that when your child blows bubbles into the liquid, the bubbles expand over the top of the container. Invite your child to gently blow through the straw to make bubbles. As the bubble begin to expand over the top of the cup, invite your child to lightly press a small piece of paper over the bubbles. The bubbles will leave an interesting print on the paper. Add a variety of colors of bubbles to one piece of paper. Your child will enjoy looking at how the colors mix together on the paper.

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