Fresh Fruit Popsicles

1/2 cup blueberries
2 kiwis
2 peaches
1/2 cup raspberries
1 cup strawberries
2 cups apple juice

Popsicle molds (purchased at Walmart or online at Amazon)

Peel and slice all of the fruit.  Fill each popsicle mold with as much fruit as possible. Use a popsicle stick to press the fruit against the sides of each mold. The more fruit you can press into the mold, the more colorful the fresh fruit popsicle with look. Use the blueberries and raspberries to fill the empty spaces and add to the top. 

Next, pour in the apple juice. Leave about 1/8″ between the top of the juice and the top of the mold since liquids expand when frozen. Place a popsicle stick in each mold. You should have two layers of fruit (one for each side of the mold), so it should be fairly easy to push the sticks into the popsicle mold. The fruit will hold the sticks in place.

Place the popsicles in the freezer overnight to freeze. Once frozen, remove popsicles from the molds. If you have trouble getting them out of the molds, just run the molds under hot water briefly to get them to release. 

Enjoy this refreshing summer treat!

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