What Sinks? What Floats?


Various objects that can be put in water (i.e. stick, penny, styrofoam, rock, marble, small ball, apple, etc.)
Small tub with water


Introduce the words “float” and “sink.” Things that float stay on top of the water; things that sink go to the bottom of the container.  Experiment with a few of the objects, showing your child one or two that float and one or two that sink. Use the new vocabulary words to describe what happens to the objects when they are placed in water.  Invite your child to test some objects. Do they float or sink to the bottom? 

Extension Activities

  • Invite your child to predict by asking, “Do you think this will float or sink?” and then let him test it.
  • Encourage your child to sort the objects into two groups: things that float and things that sink.  Count the objects. Which group has more? How many more?

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