Camping Alphabet Book

White copy paper
Writing instrument
Pictures from magazines
Markers or crayons
Book:  S is for S’mores: A Camping Alphabet Book

After reading the book, S is for S’mores: A Camping Alphabet Bookby Helen Foster James, invite your child to work through the alphabet, connecting a “camping word” with each letter of the alphabet.  Encourage your child to write the upper and lower case letter at the top of the page and then draw or glue a picture or photo of something relating to camping that begins with the letter (e.g. Aa: ants; Bb: boat; Cc: campfire, etc.). Label each picture. Create the book over several days. Once it is complete, invite your child to put the pages in alphabetical order as he sings the Alphabet Song.

Enjoy reading the book together.  Consider taking a camping trip together and take pictures to use in the camping alphabet book.

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