Shaving-Cream Painting

Shaving cream
Tempera paints
Glitter (optional) 

Cover the bottom of the tray or shallow dish with shaving cream. For a more even surface, spread shaving cream with a rubber spatula.  Add various colors of tempera paint to the shaving cream. Invite your child to help choose the colors.  You can even make simple patterns with the paint.  Encourage your child to use her fingers to swirl and mix the paints. Observe what happens to the colors. If you child doesn’t care to place her hands in the cream, invite her to explore color mixing by using straws, silverware, twigs, etc. Try adding a sprinkle of glitter for a sparkly effect.

Sensory shaving-cream painting was so much fun! The children created interesting patterns that were intriguing and kept them engaged.

For the courageous, you might try having your child paint with their feet!

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