Tummy Time


  • Clean blanket


Playing from the tummy position allows for a different view of the world. Although it is recommended that babies sleep on their backs, your baby can still benefit from exercise in the tummy position while awake. Lay your baby on his tummy and get down on that level, making faces and noises to encourage raising his head.  Tummy time strengthens the neck and builds upper body strength.


  • Lay out some brightly colored toys so your baby can see them from this position.
  • Get your baby’s attention with any object and move it back and forth slowly so it is tracked with the eyes.
  • Roll your baby to his side and then gently back to the tummy, saying, “Wheeeeeeee.”
  • Stand directly over your baby at your full height, and then move slowly down to a squatting position so you are very close.

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