Pastel Tissue Collage

Small pieces of colored tissue in pastel colors
Clear, sturdy plastic (We ran plastic from the laminating machine and cut it into squares. You can also use clear sheet protectors from an office-supply store or clear plastic fabric protectant from a fabric store)
Decoupage glue (Mod Podge—found at a craft store)

Cover the work space with newspaper. Place a piece of plastic on the table. Put some Mod Podge in a small bowl and place a small amount of tissue cut in small squares or shapes in another bowl or basket. Invite your child to paint the plastic with the Mod Podge and then place pieces of tissue on top.  It is helpful to reinforce the tissue with more Mod Podge. This may require a little help from an adult. It is also fun to layer and overlap some of the tissue to make new colors. Dry completely. 

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