Pink Puffy Slime


1 cup white Elmer’s School Glue
1/2 can shaving cream (non-sensitive skin type works best)
Saline solution (contact lens solution)
Food coloring (optional)
Mixing bowl
Rubber spatula


Pour 1 cup of Elmer’s School Glue into a mixing bowl.  Add a 3–4 drops of food coloring and stir into glue.  Stir in 1/2 can of shaving cream. Add about 6 tablespoons of contact lens saline solution and stir again. The solution will start to “gel” together and will become very sticky. Add more saline solution 1–2 tablespoons at a time. Continue to mix well. Once it forms a ball, you can begin to manipulate it with your hands. Continue adding saline solution and manipulating with hands until you can play with it without it sticking to your fingers. While playing with it, if it becomes sticky, you can add a little more saline solution.

Store in airtight container for up to four weeks. Add a little saline solution before taking it out of the container each time before playing with it.

This has great texture and you can even use metal cookie cutters with it.  Have fun!

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