Dot Sticker Numeral Match

Dot stickers
Giant Sharpie
Butcher paper

Hang a long sheet of butcher paper on the wall or tape it to the floor.  Using a large Sharpie marker (be careful that it doesn’t leak through the paper!), draw “bubble” numerals 1-5 for toddlers or 1-10 for preschoolers  on the butcher paper.  Write numerals 1-10 (or 1-5) on a few sheets of dot stickers. Mix up the the numerals to make it more challenging to sort and match. Invite your child to match the numeral on the dots to the bubble numerals written on the butcher paper. 

Lesson extension:
Provide your child with 2-3 sheets of dot stickers. Invite him to place the correct number of dots on each numeral drawn on butcher paper (e.g. numeral six will have six dots, numeral three will have three dots, etc.)

This activity provides so learning:

  • fine motor skills
  • numeral recognition
  • sorting numerals
  • hand eye coordination
  • visual discrimination

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