Shivery Snow Paintings

  • Shaving Cream
  • White school glue
  • Peppermint extract
  • Iridescent glitter 

Begin by placing the shaving cream and glue in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.  When ready to make the paint, allow glue to sit out on the counter for about ten minutes so the glue will flow more easily.  

Next, mix equal parts of the chilled glue and shaving cream in a bowl.  This is a rough estimate; it’s a bit of a guessing game.  Sprinkle in glitter to make it sparkly. Add a few drops of peppermint extract and mix.  

Invite your child to paint on construction paper using a paint brush or sponge brush. To finish, sprinkle more glitter on top of the wet paint.

Once dry, the creations will be puffy to the touch!  The paint may also be used as a FUN sensory snow experience.  Give your little one a few scoopers and other gadgets, and he will have a great time exploring the shivery, oh so puffy, snow.



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