Sorting Christmas Bows


Package of Christmas bows


Invite your child to help place the bows on the floor or table space. Encourage your child to identify the various colors of the bows and then ask him to sort them (or put them in groups) by their colors. Once all the bows are sorted, count the different groups.  Which color group has the most bows?  Which has the least bows?

Lesson Extensions

1. Ask: How many more red bows are there than green bows?
2. Count the gold bows, then count the red bows. How many total gold and red bows?
3. Use small and large bows. Sort by size; sort by color; introduce a Venn diagram (two circles that overlap) – encourage your child to place the red bows in one circle and the mini bows in the other circle.  A mini, red bow will go in the center where the circles overlap.

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