Gingerbread Scented Paint

Shaving Cream
White School Glue
Ground cinnamon, clove, & ginger spice
Optional addition: brown food coloring

Mix equal parts of shaving cream and school glue in a bowl. Add several drops of brown food coloring if rich coloring is desired, and then add the spices and mix well. We used more cinnamon than clove and ginger. Start with a teaspoon of cinnamon,1/2 tsp. of ginger, and 1/2 tsp. of cloves. Mix until all ingredients are well combined. Feel free to adjust the spices to give you just the right gingerbread smell for you! The paint will smell wonderful and dry puffy. Invite your child to paint on a gingerbread shape.  Once the paint has dried encourage you child to glue on buttons, ribbon, and other ric rac to decorate their gingerbread man.Display the gingerbread low so that you child can smell them often!

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