Bubbles for Baby

1 cup water
1 teaspoon of glycerin (available in pharmacies)
2 tablespoons Dawn liquid dish detergent

Gently mix all ingredients together.  For best results, let sit for a few hours.

(Make bubble wands from pipe cleaners, plastic lids with the center cut out, or purchase)

Blowing bubbles in the bath tub contains the soapy residue that some bubbles leave on the floor and makes bath time more fun. A cascade of bubbles during diaper-changing time makes a pleasant distraction. Watching bubbles float through the air helps your baby practice visual skills such as eye tracking, distance, and depth perception. Trying to swat at them is excellent practice for her budding eye-hand coordination. And if she should actually catch one, she’ll learn a lesson in the relationship between cause (I touch the bubble) and effect (the bubble pops!)

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