Sorting Teddy Grahams

2 different kinds of teddy grahams (chocolate, honey)
1 plate
2 small containers (we used cupcake baking cups)

Pour a few of each kind of teddy grahams onto a paper plate. Invite your child to sort the teddy grahams iby color (flavor), placing all the chocolate teddy grahams in one of the cupcake baking cups and all of the honey teddy grahams into the other baking cup. Count each cup. Which one has more? Which one is your child’s favorite teddy graham?

Lesson Extensions 
1. Sort the teddy grahams by front and back. When pouring a few onto the plate, sort into two piles – teddy grahams facing up and teddy grahamns facing down. 
2. Make patterns with the teddy grahams. 

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