Swat the Toy (3 months and up)

Eye-Hand Coordination, Visual Development, and Fine Motor Practice

Attach a small plush toy or teething ring to a brightly colored ribbon or plastic links. Place your baby on a blanket and dangle the toy in front of your baby – making it sway from side to side, and encouraging your child to reach across her body.  Praise her efforts as your baby reaches out and swipes at – or even grabs – the toy. Reaching for moving objects helps your baby fine-tune the coordination of both sides of her body. 

Extension Activity

Big Bouncing Ball

Using a brightly colored punchball (available at toy stores) or a beach ball with a colorful ribbon tied to it, lie your baby on his back and dangle the ball in front of him. Three- to six-month-olds can swat it with their hands, kick it with their feet, and eventually try to get both arms around it. This takes eye-hand and eye-foot coordination, as well as an understanding of just how far their arms and legs extend – all of which come from steady swatting and kicking practice. 

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