Solar Eclipse Drawing


White Chalk 
9×12 piece of construction paper – dark blue or black;smaller piece of construction paper cut into a circle to reprsent the moom.(approx.4×4)
Masking tape
Hair spray (optional)


Cut out a circle from a small piece of construction paper. Tape the circle to the center of the 9×12 piece of construction paper. Trace around the circle template with a thin line of chalk. invite your child to color heavily with chalk on the edges of the circle template. Then invite your child to use a finger to spread the chalk out from the template onto the background construction paper. Make sure all the excess chalk is spread out or shaken off, and then remove the circle template to reveal the clear space behind it. Label the center moon. Chalk can be lightly sprayed with hair spray to keep it from smearing.

Explain a solar eclipse to your child. The white chalk represents the light from the sun.  The dark center circle is the moon.

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