Blue Bubble Printing


Blue tempera paint
Small plastic or paper cup
Liquid baby soap
White construction paper


Cover surface with newspaper.  Place a small amount of blue tempera paint into the bottom of the cup.  Add liquid soap and an inch or so of water.  Gently mix together.  Place the straw into the soapy mixture and blow gently until the bubbles reach the top of the cup.  Adults will want to do this step for toddlers so they don’t suck the liquid up the straw, or you may cut a small hole near the top of the straw to prevent soap and paint mixture from being swallowed.  The children will enjoy blowing the bubbles and watching them come to the surface.  Invite your child to take a piece of white construction paper and touch it to the top of the bubbles.  They will delight in seeing the bubbles make prints onto the paper.

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