Ivory Soap Bathtub Paint


A bar of microwaved Ivory Soap crumbled
Boiling water
Six small bowls 
Food coloring
Plastic Ziploc bags


Place 1 cup of crumbled soap into the blender and add a small amount of boiling water to make a creamy texture.  Pulse slowly, add more water as needed.  Repeat until all the soap bar crumbles are a yogurt like texture. Pour into 6 small bowls.  Invite your child to add food coloring to each bowl and mix with a spoon.  Add a little water if needed to make the mixture like icing. Spoon into 6 ziploc bags and cut a small hole in the tip of one corner.  This will act like a piping bag, great practice for finger mobility for your child.  Your child may also want to use his fingers to create a beautiful master piece that can be washed away.  Your child will have so much fun piping, painting, squishing, and drawing with the paint.  After your little one is all done, simply drain the tub, turn on the shower and give him a small bucket and wash cloth to clean up the mess.  What a fun way to way to take a bath!

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