Red, White, and Blue Flowers


2 small glasses or bud vases 
Red and blue food coloring 
White flowers – carnations work best 


Invite your child to pour some water into the two glasses or small bud vases. Then add 8-10 drops of red food coloring to one vase and 8-10 drops of blue food coloring to the other vase. Place a flower into each glass and let them sit for a few hours or overnight. Observe. Ask your child what he sees after a few hours. The flowers will begin to change gradually into red and blue flowers. 

For added fun, cut the stem of the white carnations lengthwise, making the stem into two thin stems. Set the two glasses of colored water close together. Put half of the stem into the red water and the other half into the blue water. The carnation will look red, white, and blue after a few hours. Remove the carnation from the water mixtures. Wrap the stem back together with thread and place in clear water. Make several flowers for a beautiful red, white, and blue floral centerpiece. 

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