Planting Lima Beans in a Zip-loc Baggie

4-5 Lima beans
A plastic cup
1 paper towels
1 Ziploc bag (quart size)
Spray water bottle

Place enough water in a plastic cup to cover the lima beans. Let the beans soak overnight. The next day, remove the beans from the water. Invite your child to fold a paper towel so it fits inside the plastic bag. Dampen the towel with water.  Place the paper towel in the bag, then add the seeds.  Seal the bag, and put it in a sunny spot where your child can observe the changes. 

Over the next few days, watch the seeds sprout! The seeds will begin to grow roots. When the roots become about an inch and half long, transfer seeds to a clear plastic cup.
Allow your child to fill the cup with soil, then use his finger to make holes in the soil, close to the edge of the cup. Place the beans, root side down, along the side of the cup, then cover with extra soil. Continue to water the plants so the soil is damp, but not soaked.
After a few days, the seeds in the soil will break through the soil and develop leaves. At this point, the small bean plant can be transfered to an outside garden if you want to grow actual lima beans, or you can watch them continue to grow indoors!
Lesson Extension
Read the book, One Bean by Anne Rockwell and Megan Halsey. This book was written with the youngest learners in mind.

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