Button Sorting


Variety of buttons in different colors and sizes
Defining workspace – (i.e. hand towel, piece of paper, small bowls, tray with sections)


Place a variety of buttons in a small container or on a tray.  Invite your child to sort the buttons into groups by their color.  Count the buttons in each group.  Ask, “Which group has the most?”

For preschool age children, encourage the children to write the number of buttons for each color.  Make a graph with the colors of each of the button groups.  Encourge your preschooler to color in one square per button.  Ask, “Which one shows the most ?”, “Which one has the least?” “How many more red buttons are there than blue buttons?”

Ask you preschooler if he can find a differet way to sort the buttons (i.e. size, how many holes, etc.)

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