Painting with Shaving Cream

Inspired by Leo Lionni’s book, Little Blue and Little Yellow


Book:  Little Blue and Little Yellow, by Leo Lionni
1 can shaving cream
Blue and yellow food coloring
2 small bowls
2 spoons
Large white construction paper or finger paint paint


Read the story about Little Blue and Little Yellow with your toddler or preschooler.  Then let them know that they are going to make Little Blue and Little Yellow using shaving cream.

Squirt shaving cream into each bowl.  Invite your child to place several drops of yellow food coloring into one bowl of shaving cream and several drops of blue food coloring into the other bowl of shaving cream.  Encourage your child to use a spoon to mix the colors into the shaving cream.  Once mixed, invite your child to place some of each color of shaving cream onto the paper.  Observe what happens as your child explores and begins to mix hte colors.  What new color was created?  Reinforce, “When yellow and blue mix together, they make green!”

Allow the shaving cream to dry before displaying.  This activity can also be done right on top of a formica table top, counter, or in the tub!

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