Felt Story Characters for the Old Testament

The link below will take you to a wonderful resource for felt figures called “Scripture Story Characters” by Keeping Life Creative. These felt characters go with many Old Testament stories.
You can also copy the pictures and cut them out to make booklets with young children. They provide ways to teach stories that are very difficult to find for preschool age children.
Look in the back and you will see a list of all the stories, each on a separate page. At the front of the booklet are larger figures of the characters. The cost is $13.50.
Adam & Eve
Noah and the Ark
Abraham and Isaac
Joseph and his coat of many colors
Joseph in Egypt
Moses as a baby
Moses and the Plagues
Moses and the 10 commandments
Joshua and Jericho
Naomi and Ruth
Hannah and Samuel
David and Goliath
Elijah and the ravens
Elijah and priests of Baal
Jonah and the whale
Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Zacharias and Elisabeth

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